Contractual Liability Insurance Policy

Loan Protection Simplified
Force-Placed Insurance
Force-placed insurance has many names, all with the same result. As with most force-placed insurance policies, a Contractual Liability Insurance Policy protects the lender’s financial interest in loans with uninsured customers. The lender can place coverage when the required insurance lapses.
To learn more about the benefits, contact us.
- Insurance tracking
- Online reporting
- Online PII-compliant claims processing
Reimagine Productivity
- Generate monthly reports on demand
- Check claim status quickly and easily
- Reduce paperwork
- Reduce overhead
- Improve customer service

The Right Coverage 24/7
Insurance Tracking
Insurance tracking offers multiple advantages. It streamlines the entire tracking process and saves considerable time. It ensures customers have the right coverage and policy details are accurate and up to date – mitigating compliance and financial risk.
- Quick, easy, cost-effective management of account information
- Provides clarity with instantly generated reports, charts, and graphs
- Reduce paperwork and the cost of overhead
- Increases data accuracy and eliminates the toll of human error
- Easy tracking of cancellations, terminations, defaults, bankruptcies, and other risk alerts
Safeguard Your Data
- Protect personally identifiable customer information
- Avoid unnecessary security breaches so you can focus on your customers
- Regulate access to information within your dealership